Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Everything You Ever Wanted (and Needed) to Know About Professional Voicemail Greetings - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Everything You Ever Wanted (and Needed) to Know About Professional Voicemail Greetings - Introvert Whisperer Everything You Ever Wanted (and Needed) to Know About Professional Voicemail Greetings GetVOIP.com September 11, 2014 Communication No responses Go to top This post originally appeared at GetVoIP.com. A voicemail recording is more important than you think it is. While many users pine away at intuitive user menus and expansive feature sets, many forget the importance of their recorded voicemail message. While this may not sound like a travesty, it could very well could be. Really think about it. Youre out of the office, its after business hours, or youre otherwise indisposed, whatever the case may be, your voicemail is now tasked with representing you (and/or your company). No pressure, right? Your voicemail message is a platform that represents you to callers; therefore it’s absolutely crucial that your message is perfect. (Click here to tweet this thought.) Here’s our ultimate guide, including video and audio samples, on everything you need to know about professional voicemail greetings. 1. Mistakes to Avoid With Your Company’s Voicemail Greeting Users often don’t invest enough time into their messages, resulting in incomplete, unprofessional or otherwise under-whelming greetings. Sure, crafting a greeting doesn’t sound all that complicated; however, there are a number of pitfalls users can fall into i.e. informality, terseness, sincerity, lack of direction and more. While none of these sound too catastrophic, they are often interrelated. As such, they tend to worsen any problem. For example, humor can cause informality, worsen ambiguity and weaken sincerity. That being said, users should strive to avoid all these pitfalls. The simple truth is that you need to be more aware of what you’re leaving for other people to hear. Sure, this doesn’t always register as a priority for users, but it’s never too late to reassess your greeting. Reading/Speaking in the Imperfect Tone Tone is absolutely everything. Users don’t want to come off as being too nice, as it sounds insincere, or being too terse, as it can be interpreted as being rude. That being said, striking the right balance is absolutely essential. Your greeting exists as its own entity, and therefore, it should not rely on callers’ familiarity with you. Instead, it needs to appeal to the masses. As such, your inflection, i.e. the way you state your name and directions, needs to be both welcoming and firm. Aside from the inflection, one should also consider the tonality, or timbre, of their voice. One should strive to utilize their voice as a tool to ensnare caller as vocal deficiencies/inadequacies can discourage some users. That being said, there are some key tonal factors users should concentrate on in creating their tone. These include: pitch the lowness or highness of your voice; projection/resonance how well does your voice carry speed how fast/slow are you speaking diction how articulate are you/how clearly are you speaking confidence is there nervousness (tremors or breaks) in your voice, or do you sound reassured, stern, and confident? All of these factors play into your overall tonality; therefore, once you know what you’ll be saying, you should devote some time and thought into how you’re going to say it. Injecting Humor and Insincerity While humor/lightheartedness can be welcoming, it can also convey a sense of informality, insincerity and ultimately unprofessionalism. Why? Because you’re not there to lend your humor or to contextualize. Instead, you’re assuming the caller has a working knowledge of your personality to ground the message. Though this might not sound like it’s all that terrible, it can be detrimental. As stated above, one should never rely on a caller’s familiarity with you. Instead, aim to appeal to the masses. Humor is ultimately subjective, meaning not everyone has the same tastes; therefore, someone is bound to be turned off by a quirky or off-color remark. While implementing a lighthearted or even tongue-in-cheek tone can work, it’s just a really bad idea. Personality is hard to capture, especially in a short greeting message; therefore, callers might misinterpret any type of gag/joke you leave behind, especially when you’re not there to lend contextualization. For example, one may leave a voicemail greeting that starts “Hello? Hello? Just leave a message.” While this may be funny to you, callers may not be able to decipher the humor, or they could be offended by said humor. Either way is pretty messy. If the caller doesn’t get your humor, he or she may really think you answered and hung up, which can portray you as discourteous (to say the least). Even if the caller does get your humor, he or she may not find it funny. Brian Allain, Humor Writer and Blog Coach, states, “It was funny the first time…” People have different humors; therefore, your message is never going to appeal to the masses. Instead, it’s more likely to isolate you. Humor also leaves a lot of room for misinterpretation, which subsequently weakens sincerity and authority. A caller can be very turned off by merely misinterpreting your joke. Why take this risk? Additionally, this could even cause callers to question your character. Say, for example, the president of a company’s mobile phone voicemail greeting was funny. What’s to happen if the caller didn’t like or get the joke? What if they found it offensive? Another scenario is that a caller is reaching out to you for the first time i.e. they have no idea regarding your personality. What next? The point is, with this type of greeting, humor is bound to be more divisive, so just avoid it altogether. Poorly Pacing Your Message/Bad Time Management Don’t speed through your message. Speak clearly so callers know what to include in their message and when to leave the message. At the same time, don’t drag your message out. No one wants to sit through a diatribe. Just get to the point clearly. Utilizing Ambiguity Over Clarity When setting up your voicemail greeting be direct and to the point. Tell callers your information, a brief greeting, and direction i.e. “Hi, this is Jim Shamalam (from Iron Industries). Sorry I can’t take your call right now. Please leave your name number, and a brief message and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you.”  This is ideal, as you inform callers and let them know what they should do to ensure a return call. A lack of direction can lead to callers leaving incomplete messages (lacking contact or other information) or even callers hanging up without leaving a message altogether.For example, a message like, “Hi, this is Jim. You know what to do.” Well, not everyone is going to know what to do i.e. they won’t leave you inclusive information. Additionally, they may not leave you a message at all. Aside from this, humor can again be detrimental to your message, this time lending itself to ambiguity and costing you clarity. For example, if a message read, “Hi this is Jim, sorry I can’t answer your call right now. Please leave your name and number and I’ll call you as soon as I can, but you already knew that, right? Do I need to tell you what to do?” This is worse than the previous example as this is confusing and can also come across as rude and unprofessional. Complicating a greeting with phrasing like this is sure to cause some harm. Ignoring Personality and Identity Don’t use computer-generated greetings. Some users leave default messages (“you’ve reached the voicemail box of 777-777-777. Please leave a message”). Believe it or not, even this can cause problems. Callers may be unsure if the voicemail box belongs to you; therefore, they don’t leave a message. Also, some may even be uncomfortable leaving information through a message in a nameless voice message box As such, being impersonal can cause ambiguity, which again can hurt the effectiveness of your voice message system. This doesn’t mean you have to make an elaborate greeting if you don’t want to, just insert your voice and name so at least callers know they’re calling the right person. 2. What NOT to Say On Your Voicemail Greeting The above section details types of phrasing to avoid; however, it doesn’t detail what users should not say on their greeting. Though this is a bit loaded, as there are hundreds of combinations of things one shouldn’t say, there are some key components users should always avoid. Forget about slang. You should strive to be as professional and welcoming as possible in your greeting. While this may steer you toward using slang in an attempt to make callers comfortable, it’ll most likely work against you. As a professional, your demeanor, tone and speech should be clear-cut and well articulated. Using slang undercuts this and works against you. Don’t even think about profanity. This is a no-brainer. Never, under any circumstances, curse in your greeting ever! Keep your sentences clean; don’t ramble. Introduce yourself and give your caller specific direction. Avoid long diatribes detailing tangent thoughts. Keep it simple and quick. Always return your calls. It’s important for callers to feel they are valued. Nothing dissolves this quicker than a greeting that doesn’t stress this. For example, “I’ll call you when I can,” “If I don’t return your call, please call back” these phrases are terrible and completely destroy any good will you may have with a caller. Never assume anything. Phrases like “you know what to do,” “sing your song at the beep,” and others mentioned above are awful to leave in your greeting. For the sake of universality and comprehensiveness, never assume the caller knows what to do. Lay it out clearly. Never ask callers to “leave a message.” This phrase, by itself, will not do. It’s imperative for users to identify themselves in their greetings. Callers need to know they’ve reached the right person. Disregard lethargy. If you’re not excited about your greeting, why would anyone else be? Never display a lack of enthusiasm in your greeting, as it could turn callers off to both you and your business. Speak clearly and never slur. Callers need to understand your every word; therefore, mumbling, slurring and all other detractions of speech should never be recorded. 3. Tips for Professional Voicemail Greetings Know What You Want to Say Users should decide the type of tone they’re going for before ever concentrating on the actual message. As such, one must decide whether their greeting will be strictly professional, humorous, lighthearted, cut and dry, etc. While there are many potential dangers attached to each tonality, it’s ultimately up to the user to decide which tone works best for them. Though this can be a tricky process, it could help steer users towards a more fitting tone. For example, Film and Television actor Paul Cram states, “Evaluating what I am literally saying in my voice mail content has drastically changed what I say. Opting either for a colorful version, or for brevity, depending on my mood that day/week.” In addition to this, deciding what you want to say, and how you want to say it, can help move along another good habit scripting and practice. Write a Script and Practice As with anything else, practice makes perfect. Now that you’re more aware of how important this greeting is, you may be more willing to give a little more attention to it. If you’re serious about it, write a script and practice. Seriously actors, musicians, writers, artists, they all practice their form to make it perfect. While this may seem tedious, it definitely has its advantages. For example, in writing your exact message, you can perfect the message i.e. make it clear and concise. Additionally, you no longer have to speak on the spot. The creative process is complete, and with your greeting fully realized, you’re free to inject personality into them. Now, you don’t have to think of what you’re saying, but of how you’re saying it. Scripting and practice can not only help users find the right words, but the right way to say them. This process connect to users knowing what they want to say. Scripting and practice can help users refine, reshape, and retool their voicemail, creating a much more complete and rounded message. With a more rigid creative and performance process, your greeting is bound to be much more finely tuned. Make a Positive First Impression/Convey Happiness and Enthusiasm Yes, this does sound ridiculous in theory; however, the act itself may be much more practical. According to a UK study conducted by the University of Portsmouth back in 2008, people, in this case callers, are actually able to detect whether or not you are happy by the inflection in your voice. That’s right, take it in. When recording your voicemail greeting, it’s important to convey a sense of confidence and enthusiasm. Callers can tell the difference, and the last thing they want to hear is a grumpy, un-enthused message. For some callers, the voicemail greeting can be their first interaction with you; therefore, users should want to convey a sense of professional pride. Its not particularly charming to contact someone who is unhappy, so be sure to convey positivity. Be Creative Without Sacrificing Quality Callers know how voicemails work i.e. leave a number, message, etc. While you want to be clear, it’s important not to be contrived or redundant with your message. Creativity can help users to differentiate themselves, as well as intrigue callers. While users should avoid the tropes of creativity listed above, it’s definitely good to think outside the box. That being said, scripting and practice can help users to experiment more with their greeting ultimately allowing for more unique and creative approach. Speak With Diction It’s important to present your as an authority without alienating callers. As such, it’s crucial to articulate and speak with clear diction. “If your voice recording has you stumbling over words and speaking haltingly, it does not convey confidence and competence,” states Ron Sellers of Grey Matter Research Consulting. Remember, this greeting represents you; therefore, you want to appear collected and professional, as well as welcoming. To do this, you must carry yourself well through your recorded message. Account for Timeliness Your message should be concise. No caller wants to be sitting through a rant/diatribe of redundant statements. Your greeting should flow without dragging. Inversely, one doesn’t want to be terse, either. Engage callers with a simplified approach laden with creativity. Stay On Target The best thing users can do is convey a sense of concise uniformity meaning your greeting focuses on the topic at hand while reflecting your personage (or company) accurately. Again, Ron Sellers talks about this, stating: People dont realize that every touch point should be an expression of the brand. If you have a contemporary brand, the hold music shouldnt be Steppenwolf and Three Dog Night. If the brand is friendly, all phone recordings should be intentionally read with a smile. Even subtle things such as this impact how people perceive the brand and/or the employee. Users should strive for their greetings to have an even flow that deploys information evenly, free of tangents. That being said, please allow me to be frank for a moment: Do not rant on your message. Seriously, no one will sit through it, and even if they do, the message itself could do some serious damage to your reputation/appearance. Give callers exactly what they need, no more, no less. Account for Quality Aside from speaking clearly, users want to eliminate any noise in the surrounding environment. The quality of the greeting is just as important as what’s being said in the greeting itself. As such, don’t undermine a great message with poor quality. Courtesy, Tastefulness, and Tact This is pretty self-explanatory and straightforward: never be rude. Being lighthearted and humorous is very different from being obnoxious and/or abrasive. Again, these tools can be helpful if used properly, but not everyone perceives humor the same way. So play it safe. The last thing your voicemail greeting should do is offend a caller. Holiday Greetings Holiday greetings are great, as they show callers you’re updated, in touch, and involved in the present. Standardization is good, but it sometimes lacks the human touch. Also, holiday greetings can express your consideration; however, in using this method, there are a number of routes you can go. For example, SnapRecordings lists a few samples in which one may choose a more lax greeting; i.e. “Happy Holidays from [Company Name]! At this time, our office is closed for the holiday season. Please leave a message and your call will be returned when we return,” or even something more formal, “Thank you for calling [Company Name]; we are currently closed for the holiday. Please leave a message and your call will be returned when we return.” Another good use of a holiday greeting can be to relay variances in business hours, specials, etc. Provide Options If you’re part of a bigger company, it might be good to offer caller options. For example, allow a menu to defer callers to a colleague or co-worker in your absence. This can help show callers you care about their well being. Another option might be offering different modes of communication i.e. email, fax, etc. In offering users diversity, contact may be much easier to maintain. 4. Tools Available for Professional Voicemail Recordings While there are a number of resources to help coach users in making a proficient voicemail greeting, some users still feel they are not doing enough. As such, there are a number of tools currently available to help even further. Professional Voice Recording Now that you’re versed in the process of recording your greeting, you may feel a burdening sense of responsibility; you may find that weight to be too heavy to lift alone. Well, rest easy. There are a number of companies and services for recording quality professional greetings. With a wide variety of choices available, users are able to choose every aspect of the process i.e. the provider (a business or a voice professional individually), the service and the tools involved. Typically, most of these services are uniform they include the same tools and features (send a script, they record it in a tone you approve, they send it as a file, you supply any feedback, etc.); however, there are some services that go above and beyond. For example, VoiceOverPro, is a single voice professional who records 30 second voicemail messages based on users’ scripts. This is standard; however, users also have options like adding music, recording up to 60 seconds (or 150 words), rush, 2-day turnaround, and even same-day delivery. With VoiceOverPro, there is only one professional recorder; therefore, there are no tonal options. If a user was looking for different voice options, they may be better to head to a larger company. For example, VoiceArchive offers a library of over 1300 professional voice talents (including child talent). Users can select commercial samples of each talent to get a feel for the talent’s style. While this can be a bit daunting, the provider even offers a search option to find specific talents letting users experiment with much more flexibility. Additionally, users are able to select from over 90 languages including Dutch, French, German, Italian, English, Spanish and many more. Aside from this, users are guaranteed delivery of their message within 24 hours. This type of service can be very beneficial because users are able to craft their own messages, while a professional reads them. Companies can spend more time on the scripting process, making sure the text conveys everything they want it to even bring in expert teams to draft, revise, and/or finalize the script itself. Additionally, in working with a professional voice talent, you are ensuring your words have the utmost impact i.e. the words are read perfectly with the right tone, resonance, pacing, etc. For users who want to avoid the scripting process altogether, there are also services that provide pre-recorded messages. Again, your voicemail greeting shoulders a lot of responsibility. Some people aren’t comfortable with having to create a message to deal with it. With this option, users can choose from libraries of pre-recorded messages, which are standardized greetings, for their voicemail. There are a variety of applications, services and companies that provide this service. For example, VoiceNation, a voicemail, virtual PBX and answering services provider, offers users a variety of samples. Online Communities The Internet is a big place. It gives everyone a voice; therefore, it can be really hard to discern useful information from fluff. While this can be frustrating, the virtual environment also allows for extensive social interaction and communities. If hiring a professional or using a service isn’t a viable option, leverage yourself in an online community. Run ideas past people in the same position. Get feedback, tips, advice, etc. from countless people who are in the same boat (or were at one point). For example, sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google+ all make it easy to find people, experts, colleagues, etc. who may be able to help you. Additionally, you may even be able to help others out. Aside from social media, blogs, how-to type sites and forums make it easy to get feedback and information, too. A good example of this can be seen with the University of Chicago. This university compiled an extensive list of voicemail greetings that merely requires you to fill in the blanks. You can see a variety of applicable greeting choices, which can help you better draft your own greeting. In Summary If you don’t know it by now, you might never know. Voicemail greetings are incredibly important to users. The greeting conveys identity, character, and image to callers. In an increasingly digital world, where business is conducted online and over the phone, phone presence is increasingly important, your greeting is a crucial part of the platform. While there are a number of obstacles to be aware of, utilized properly, voicemail greetings can be incredibly helpful and beneficial; therefore, it’s in your best interest to invest yourself in creating a quality recording. What’s the trickiest aspect of voicemail greetings for you? Let us know in the comments! Go to top Bottom-line â€" I want to help you accelerate your career â€" to achieve what you want by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my 4 Building Blocks to Relationships eBookâ€" the backbone to your Networking success and fantastic work relationships.   Grab yours by visiting: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How Introverts Can Shine in the Workplace Without Saying a Word - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How Introverts Can Shine in the Workplace Without Saying a Word - Introvert Whisperer How Introverts Can Shine in the Workplace Without Saying a Word For many years, I thought that my impact in the workplace would be tied to the frequency and speed of the creation of ideas that I presented to my colleagues. Trying to work under this radical idea as an introvert caused me a great deal of bouts with anxiety. I prefer to think before I speak and am focused on collecting evidence in order to present information in a clear and concise manner. I knew that overcoming these habits that have been the core of my existence wouldn’t happen overnightâ€"and I didn’t want to risk receiving a bad performance review because of it. What’s worst is that I feared others would start to question my value if I didn’t adapt quickly enough. Fortunately, the workplace is evolving and employers are looking at the unique skills that different personality types bring to the workforce. We’re realizing there’s more than one way to contribute in today’s shifting workplace; you don’t have to be a carbon copy of your extroverted colleagues in order to be recognized in the work place. Leveraging your natural strengths could be the key to making a big impact without making a lot of noise. Being social or talkative is not a prerequisite to win in the workplace; you just have to be intentional about your nonverbal communication. Because when it comes to building trust and credibility in the workplace, it’s not what you say but what you repeatedly do that creates your professional reputation. Although you do not need to change yourself in order to win in the workplace, you need to consider how your natural strengths can be the key to success that you are seeking. Here are six ways your non-verbal communication can help you to shine bright in the workplace: Send Powerful Emails. How many emails do you receive during a work-day? Better yet, how many times a day do you have to respond to email messages or have to initiate email conversations where you have a chance to create a memorable digital footprint among people who have never seen you before? Your emails say a lot about you, and the thoughtful introvert knows how to make the most of this communication tool. Brevity is key. And  with every email you send, the content has the ability to add to enhance, or diminish, your professional brand. Allow your emails to communicate how competent you are in the workplace. Managers and colleagues can gain a clear idea about an introverted leader’s knowledge, ideas, and strategies through their written messages. Document Critical Work Processes. So many people spend so much time talking that they miss out on the value of documenting. And companies are losing millions of dollars and hours of valuable time because this task is not prioritized. Companies are audited on the transparency of their processes, procedures, and ability to create a back up plan if business operations were interrupted. Most companies fail miserably and are scrambling to get employees to document processes at the last minute. This increases the stress levels among employees and reduces productivity when everyone is trying to do this at the last minute. Introspective and intuitive introverts tend to be gifted writers who are willing to take the time to break down the most complex processes into instructions that a commoner can master. Capitalize on this, because there are few in the workplace who have the patience to document processes that new employees will value later. Create a Blog and Post Frequently. Many people create a blog, but are not committed enough to maintain their blog. Their infrequent updates cause them to lose their audience because no one can predict the frequency of the updates. If you want your voice to be heard online and identify solutions to problems that others may be facing, create a blog around your area of expertise. It is important that you identify your niche and interests in order to be successful in the process. Once you have created 3-4 posts on your blog, expand your network and impact by becoming a CAREER ACCELERATION Do you know what your next career step is?  Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

What solution does online tutoring offer when radical equation and algebra calculators are available online

What solution does online tutoring offer when radical equation and algebra calculators are available online 0SHARESShare There was a time when everyone witnesses the diversities in culture, food, places, etc. Now there are diversities in the process of education. The question is how it happens? Well the answer is just with the help of the brain. For instance, the brainy things like calculators for computing radical equations and algebra are available online. With the calculators online tutoring is also available which helps students with the methods of solving equations. Now that requires brainstorming which eventually helps you r brain to be smart and competitive. And such brainy inventions could be done by you and the next generation then could witness other form of diversities invented. Radical Equations and Algebra Calculators These calculators compute the equation at a go. You just need to enter the values and determine the accurate auto-generated result. This no doubt saves time. Online tutoring Online tutors are readily available for guiding the students. They teach the students with various methods and steps to solve the equations. Learning the various techniques and brainstorming makes the mind sharper and competitive. It may be hard at first for few but with learning it becomes a play. Students can verify their answers with the calculators. This helps them evaluating themselves. And wherever they face the problem, they may take the guidance of the online tutors available. Solving the equations captures one’s brain so beautifully and makes one concentrated. Getting the correct answers is no more agenda while learning is so. And for learning step by step method online tutoring is available. [starbox id=admin]

Thursday, March 5, 2020

African Geopolitics

African Geopolitics Understanding Geopolitics in Africa ChaptersGeopolitics in Africa: From Tribalism to Nation StatesResources in Africa that Affect GeopoliticsPolitics and Military in African CountriesLooking at All of the Countries in AfricaWhen one thinks of global powers â€" those movers and shakers that drive global politics, few African nations come to mind.Egypt, certainly; maybe even South Africa, a country that was a founding member of the United Nations and one of the founding members of the African Union.Beyond that, most of the recognition given to African nations is not for remarkable political accomplishments; they are mostly known for ferocious infighting and being abysmally poor.Such an opinion does not do justice to the world’s second largest and second most populated continent (after Asia). With her 54 sovereign states and multiple dependencies, the African continent is much more than tribal clashes, reproductive health concerns and destitution.Today, your Superprof leads the exploration of the so-called Dark Continen t.We’ll examine how this vast region came to be divided up and how the African continent is emerging from traditional tribal rule to take her place on the world stage, one country at a time.New Imperialism, European explorers scrambled to claim overseas territories.Such was the push on the African continent that it has earned an infamous title: the Scramble for Africa.Within just a few years, the entire African continent save for Ethiopia and Liberia was divided between seven western European powers â€" and even those two territories did not remain independent for long.France laid claim to much of northwestern AfricaGermany settled for a few parcels of land scattered across the southern region: Cameroon, Rwanda, Namibia and most of TanzaniaPortugal’s two major plats lay on either side of the peninsula: Angola and MozambiqueSpain reaped comparatively little territory: northern Morocco and Equatorial GuineaBelgium ensconced herself in the middle of the African peninsula, claiming the Congo, a portion of Rwanda and all of BurundiItaly, a relative latecomer to the African pillage, managed to secure Eritrea, Somalia, Libya and EthiopiaThe British Empire secured for herself vast tracts of land in southwestern and northwestern Africa, as well as a few parcels in West Africa abutting French territory.These demarcations are important to Africa’ geopolitics because those colonial borders, drawn by European powers, are for the most part how the borders of today’s African nations are drawn.Besides the goal of laying claim to as much territory as possible, those European powers were interested in the vast plunder of natural resources to be had.Economic and political gains were not the only considerations leading to the colonization of African lands.Religious missionaries, intent on converting the masses, set about educating the native population, steering them away from African languages and installing the various European tongues as official languages.So it came t o be that the languages, cultures and way of life of the African people became subsumed by a barrage of new vernacular, ideas and politics.Naturally, we cannot discuss African history (or world history) without considering the slave trade.For centuries, the people of west Africa had good reason to fear any ship on the horizon; the possibility of being carted away to serve in distant lands was distinct and very real.Later, when Europeans settled in Africa, the African people’s relationship with colonisers was largely predicated on the negative sentiment engendered through those enforced separations.It didn’t help that many colonisers employed slaves on their African plantations.Fortunately, global outcry ended the trading of humans long before the end of the Second World War, when a wave of independence movements fuelled by the African people led to the end of colonialism and the surrender of lands.Discover how European geopolitics impact Africa today...Since then, the countries of Africa have been establishing their own development goals and are finding partnerships in unexpected quarters.Groundwater on the globe's second largest continent is growing ever sparser and more polluted Image by cocoparisienne from PixabayResources in Africa that Affect GeopoliticsAngola, Nigeria, Lybia, Egypt and Algeria are rich in oil. The area formerly known as Katanga, in the Republic of the Congo, is rich in minerals, especially copper.Explore also how rich oil deposits affect Middle East geopolitics...Sierra Leone, Botswana and Angola bring millions of pounds worth of diamonds to the surface every year.Unfortunately, the revenue derived from these mining efforts has caused that area to be known more for its rebel movements than for its wealth; an effect that has so far prevented any African nation from competing in global politics on a large scale.Geopolitics, the study of political relations intrastate and internationally, take into consideration geographical features as well as natural resources of a land; political relations and military power also factor in.We’ll discuss the latter two in a bit; for now, we need to focus on one aspect of African geography that is in crisis: water.We all know that the Saharan desert is a vast field of sand with nary a drop of water on the ground.The Nile, known as the world’s longest river, runs through the eastern part of the Sahara. Other rivers coursing through Africa include the Congo and Zambezi Rivers.Traditionally, the most water-rich areas were located in sub-Saharan Africa: Lake Victoria and Lake Chad. Today, they are both severely depleted due to drought and water diversion.Virtually all fresh water sources on the African continent are in trouble and it is rural Africa that is the most impacted.  Not only is water becoming scarcer but what is available must meet the needs of all African people.To make matters worse, surface water is terribly polluted and there is a severe lack of infrastructure to b ring groundwater to the surface, let alone to make it accessible in sparsely populated, remote areas.The water crisis in Africa is a global concern, leading many foreign governments, such as China, to pour billions of Yuan into such massive engineering projects.Learn all about Asian investment in Africa through our geopolitics in Asia article.The long and the short of the matter is: for all of Africa’s wealth in minerals and other natural resources, she is a parched land slowly dying of thirst.Politics and Military in African CountriesIf we accept a loose definition of ‘military’ as 'a body of armed fighters', then we must include rebel forces, which gives us a broader picture of fighting in African nations.The majority of fighting in Africa is not one country against another but insurgents rising up against the established government of their own country.In some cases, conflicts span several nations.One example of such is the Ugandan conflict that started as a religious upris ing in 1987 and continues still today, with the help of the U.S. military, to capture Joseph Kony and his fanatic followers.The Sudan Civil War presents an example in which the military, a government entity, actually sided with the people to bring down the existing government.Among all of the conflicts in countries of Africa, the tribal clashes are perhaps the most brutal: the Rwandan massacre, mercifully short-lived, stands as a prominent example of such.The prolonged ethnic cleansing in Darfur â€" unfortunately much longer in duration, is another.Sadly, there is so much of such conflict that the average global citizen really only hears of all this bad stuff... much like with geopolitics in Latin America.It is now time to take a look at Africa’s developing regions, and how those growing economies are working together to build a better African continent.This map of Africa shows that the African continent is far bigger than western Europe! Image by Arek Socha from PixabayLooking at All of the Countries in AfricaOn the one hand, the African continent has vast natural resources, including gold, diamonds and oil â€" the world’s three most coveted materials.On the other, development and infrastructure are seriously lacking and many African nations are suffering a crisis of leadership.Did you know that Russia labours under similar geopolitical challenges?Few leaders of African nations have been able to reconcile ethnic factions that have a long history of enmity, let alone deter those who would rise up to claim a larger share of wealth from the lands’ natural resources.The gender gap in earnings and in civil rights is more of a gulf; many rural areas still ascribe to traditional views regarding women.Through this all, foreign powers maintain an interest in the riches of Africa but have shown little interest in African development.Besides civil matters, one of the biggest problems assailing African nation leaders is resource distribution.For instance, all of th e diamond mines are located in southern Africa; how should Zimbabwe share that wealth with, say, Niger â€" one of Africa’s poorest countries, while possibly inciting their immediate neighbours' ire by not sharing with them?And how to manage international affairs when so few people had ever had any large-scale international dealings?Enter the African Union, an organisation of African nation heads of state and, born to foster cooperation between countries and help manage international relations.Headquartered in Addis Ababa, this recently-founded group replaces the older Organisation of African Unity, whose main goal was to oversee the end of colonialism and ensure against any future attempts thereof.This newer union, with 55 member states, is pledged to advance solidarity and cohesion among African nations, to continue with political and social integration throughout the continent and to encourage international cooperation of individual states.Nobody knows the geopolitical realities of African nations better than African leaders.  How they manage the challenges facing them will depend on how well they can work together.Now take a look at geopolitics around the world...

Sophomore Year Checklist to Get Ready for College

Sophomore Year Checklist to Get Ready for College The second year of high school is when many students start thinking more seriously about college. Your teen wont be filling out applications or anything just yet, but its important for you and your teen to stay on track with this sophomore year checklist: Talk about the cost. Its a good idea to begin researching scholarships and the cost of the colleges and universities of interest to your teen and discuss your family budget for college. Start researching college majors. Its not too early for you and your teen to talk about the possibilities. Open the floorwhat subjects does your teen enjoy? What careers sound intriguing? Start researching and visiting colleges. A little online research will help your teen start getting familiar with your states schools and any others on his or her mind that are further away. College fairs are an excellent way to explore as well. The National Association for College Admission Counseling hosts college fairs all over the country, and the guidance counselor is also a good resource for local college fairs or college visit days. Here are this years to-dos that are your teens responsibility: Keep up the grades. If freshman year was a little tumultuous, your teen should consider getting individualized tutoring help. Its important to turn things around quickly because your teens grades do matter in high school. Register for the PreACT. This is essentially a practice ACT test for sophomores. Your teen can contact the guidance counselor to learn more about administration dates and if it is available in your area. Register for the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT). Like the PreACT, this is a practice test for sophomoresand juniorsand it is also is the qualifier for National Merit Scholar programs and other scholarships. Your teen should talk with the guidance counselor to get PSAT dates. Take Advanced Placement (AP) classes and exams. Sophomore year is often when more AP classes are available for students. If he or she hasnt done so already, your teen should consult with the guidance counselor about classes and exam dates. Cultivate good relationships with teachers. Your teen might be asking them for recommendation letters in the next year or two, so that sophomore year is a great time to start building those relationships. Stay on top of SAT Subject Tests. Some colleges request/require them to show subject mastery, but many students mistakenly assume they should wait to take them as upperclassmen. Your teen should take them as soon after the corresponding class as possible. The guidance counselor can advise your teen on which, if any, to take. Explore summer learning opportunities. Your teen should use the summer before their junior year to explore career possibilities or do something resume-building and productive. Maybe your teen wants to get involved in community service or start something entrepreneurial. Encourage him or her to get creative. If your teen could use tutoring, SAT or ACT prep, or general guidance on how to be the best high school student possible, call Huntington at 1-800 CAN LEARN. Well share more about our learning and exam prep programs and how to help your teen be successful in high school.

How to Find a Tutor (It Doesnt Have to Be Hard) - Private Tutoring

How to Find a Tutor (It Doesnt Have to Be Hard) BobbiM Jun 9, 2016 When you or your child need a private tutor, it’s sometimes difficult to know what to look for or how to find a tutor that is qualified and can help you get the results you deserve.   What you think might be the right places to start may actually cause you more issues rather than resolving course or exam prep issues. Tips on How to Find Tutors: For example, you might think that one of the best ways to find tutors would be to look for licensed teachers in the subject areas you need assistance with.   Look for teachers with years of experience and a teaching certificate or license and you are sure to find a great tutor right?   Wrong…..If you are a parent looking for a private tutor for your child or a student struggling with a course or test prep, just think of some of your own past teachers.   How good were they at explaining certain subjects to you?   Maybe even the teacher of the course that’s an issue now can’t present or teach the material in a way that students can understand. So just because a teacher has years of experience as a teacher or has a license and certification, doesn’t mean that they are either a good teacher or, even more important in this case, a great tutor.   It means that they’ve passed the required course and tests to become a teacher.   For those that currently teach, it means that they have the skills and experience to teach. A good tutor requires very different skills and abilities for a successful experience and outcome.   Finding a tutor near you that is good means looking for someone with the knowledge and skills as well as the experience of tutoring one on one with a student.   It’s a person that can work well with an individual and has the patience and ability to express and present the subject matter in a way that works for the student.   And every student is different and there are a variety of ways that kids and students learn best.   Successful tutors know this and can guide students to learn and be able to learn well into the future on their own. Another common practice that many of us think of when trying to figure out how to find a tutor is to look at their academic background.   Yes, academic backgrounds, published works and amazing experiences are all important and contribute to the abilities of a person.   However, none of these have any bearing whatsoever on a person’s ability to tutor.   In fact, many of these teachers are so busy with outside projects and studies that their ability to teach let alone tutor can be severely impacted. You Might Also be Interested In: How to Study â€" 25 Study Tips You Need Now If you want to find a tutor in your area, look for a person that has positive and enthusiastic reviews for the subject from prior clients.   That’s the person that can help you succeed and reach yours or your child’s goals academically. Take a few minutes and talk with the tutor to learn more and make sure that there’s a fit and that the tutor has availability that fits with your schedule.   Whether you want to find a math tutor or just looking to find tutors near you for a variety of subjects for your child, it’s important that you consider the important points when making your selection.   Many people ask, why is tutoring so expensive?   By taking these steps to choose a qualified tutor that can be successful in a subject, you won’t have to worry about that! If you know how to find a tutor, it will only take a few sessions before you or your child is back on track and breathing easier!   That’s a lot of money and time saved by choosing the right tutor. Find the Best Private Tutors At Reasonable Rates - Get Real Results Fast! Choose Your Subject - Add Your Zip Code - Find Top Rated Tutors Today InPerson or Online Online InPerson

Shedding Light on Dark Money

Shedding Light on Dark Money Credit: IStock Photo/ Ricardo Reitmeyer Follow the money. Its a phrase made famous by the 1976 film All the Presidents Men, which was about the journalistic efforts of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein in exposing the Watergate Scandal. That simple phrase is no less important today than it was in the 1970s, as the U.S. Supreme court decision in the Citizens United case allows corporations to pour untold millions into political ads through PACs (political action committees). However, these Super PACs are required to disclose their donors, and their money is much more easily tracked. Dark money, a term that rose to popularity thanks to Mother Jones, is another threat to political fairness and transparency altogether. It refers to the money not only spent by super PACS, but by organizations known as social welfare groups, which are tax-exempt organizations (as long as they are in the interest of promoting the general welfare, whatever that ridiculously vague wording means) that do not have to disclose political expenditures. Apparently, promoting the general welfare means these non-disclosure groups can spend a whopping $28.5 million (or roughly 90%) on advertising related to the November presidential election matchup. Much of this advertising is also being directed to media markets in crucial swing states such as Ohio, Iowa, and Florida. As millions of Americans are preparing to vote in the upcoming elections, its vitally important that people not only hear what potential candidates have to say, but who they are saying it on behalf of. As this Pro Publica article details, these social welfare groups are spending even more money on TV advertising than the dreaded, but better covered by the mainstream media, Super PACs. The ambiguous standing of these organizations has created a locked box for the super-rich to make untold amounts of political advertising contributions. These organizations register with the IRS under the pretense that they are not politically motivated, but as many journalists are finding out, these non-profits are violating their status with the IRS and making waves in political advertising. And as news outlets are finding out, much of this independent ad money is being spent in favor of Republican candidates, or on negative ads aimed at President Barack Obama. Via www.i.politicomments.com Another problem with following the dark money down the political corruption rabbit hole, is that many organizations do not have to disclose their expenditures until well after the elections. Politics moves too quickly, and the IRS   simply cannot keep up with the thousands of organizations engaging in this kind of political fraud. It will be well past November 6th by the time these tax returns can be scrutinized by the IRS. The corruption is ongoing, and due to the flimsy wording in the U.S. tax code, the corruption will be difficult to stop. So what can be done? Is there a way for the common citizen to help fight secrecy and corruption in the political process? Democracy should be determined by the people, not by the people with untold fortunes. Thankfully, ProPublica has a way for you to help. They have begun a Free the Files campaign, which aims to involve the public in unlocking files from TV stations buying political advertisements, in order to find out which non-profits are spending where, and for whom. The FCC helped to lift the veil on dark money expenditures by forcing TV stations to publish online the records of political ad buys. Before this decision was made, the only way to get at these files was by visiting the station in person, an exhausting, time-consuming process. Transparency and fairness are vital components of any good democracy, and money is being spent in these elections in unprecedented amounts. These advertisements are seen by millions of voters nation-wide, many of them completely unaware of the hidden machinations that lie beneath. We can follow the money and take back the election for the common citizen, we just have to find it first.


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